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Moving towards
Zero Engineering

The platform for integrated design

Infrastructure or construction projects are usually very complex and involve many different parties, disciplines and applications. In order to create an integral design in time, everything must be coordinated intensively. Unfortunately in practice this often goes wrong, which leads to delays and failure costs. This could be done better!

With ANT it is possible to have all parties and disciplines work together in the applications that they are used to. Only relevant properties (parameters) are exchanged and stored centrally and changes monitored. The design steps are recorded in a workflow, which makes it clear to every project employee what to do. Our range of viewers make it possible to view the results immediately and share them with everyone.


Requirements and requests

For a successful completion of a project, the exchange of your data between different disciplines is crucial. We can help you map these processes and dependencies between the disciplines and help you to automate your design process.


By linking workflows and scripts, repetitive calculations can be linked together and with this you can, for example, calculate thousands of calculation sections in a short time and thus optimize your design.


In parametric design, the data models and calculations quickly become a big black box. The aim of ANT is to offer as much control as possible to the project employees, so that the principles, results, calculations and external data can be compared with each other. By arranging processes, you can be better in a control moment at any time, so that you only continue to work on the basis of approved information.

Complete design

The combination of data management and controlling various professional applications ensures that we can coordinate a design process from A to Z, by sending data from platform A to package B and vice versa. ANT is the underlying motherboard which can track the data with track & trace functionality and provide insight into this data.

Automate the design proces

With ANT we work towards Zero Engineering, which means that step by step tasks of the engineers are taken over by automatic calculations and a generated design. As a result, many scenarios can be calculated in a shorter time, so that the quality of the design increases in a very short time.

Workflow driven

ANT is a workflow-driven platform, which connects users and scripts. With this, complete calculations and scripts can be controlled by means of simple forms without having knowledge of scripting. This allows, for example, 3D configurators to start the calculation of the configured design, with support from engineers where necessary.

Secure your script and share your data

ANT ensures that the scripts and software can communicate with each other. Thanks to its own script server and the possibility to control your compute clusters with ANTConnect, all scripts are safe. This allows third parties to use your scripts without third parties to use your scripts without requering access to them.

ANT & Development

As ANT we are a software company that has found a good combination between construction / civil content consultants and specialized developers. The combination makes it possible for us to create targeted solutions that are in line with our customers’ processes, while at the same time being developed in a sound and scalable environment.


For the successful completion of a project, the exchange of your data between different disciplines is crucial. We can help you map out these processes and dependencies between the disciplines and help you to automate your design process.


In the field of implementation, we like to think along with you to make your projects successful. Thanks to our network, we are able to offer and set up new and unique but also reliable solutions for you.


ANT has been developed for the construction sector and is therefore strongly related to object structures such as a System Breakdown Structure, classifications, schedules and other parts of a BIM model. Reading BIM models into ANT and viewing this via simple viewers such as 3D in which objects are also plotted in time (4D) can be unlocked as standard.


In civil engineering projects it is inevitable that GIS is used. ANT offers a range of tools to unlock your GIS layers. In addition, the team has experience in combining 3D and GIS and we can also automatically convert and present your design in GIS layers for you.


ANT can be widely deployed within organizations. The functionalities of ANT form the tools to automate a project and to keep an overview.


Let your organization work together in a controlled manner. Our workflow builder allows you to assemble and combine your own workflows. This allows you to connect people and scripts and automatically assign tasks to the designated people/scripts.

Data Management

To manage the data within your project, ANT has extensive data management functionality. With a database that keeps track of all changes, with full track & trace functionality, it is always possible to compare back in time which data was applicable at that time or by whom it was modified. With the RESTful API that ANT offers, all data can be processed by other scripts and platforms.


ANT offers a wide selection of viewers. From a 3D BIM viewer, Point Cloud viewer and various GIS viewers, ANT visualizes the data within your project.

ANT Community

ANT has been used since 2017 by a select number of parties that deploy ANT on the most large and complex projects. As a result, ANT has a lot of user experience, this experience is documented in our Knowledge base, tutorials can also be found here. If you have any questions that are not in the Knowledge base, please contact us!


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